Please log in using an account with administrator privileges and try again." Restarting your computer usually fixes this. If photoshop was working and now you get this message: "You are not allowed to continue because your accountdoes not have the proper privileges.Earlier Gnome: Destop Preferences / Keyboard Layout / Options / Alt/Win key behavior select new behavior for modifier keys.Earlier KDE: KDE Control Center / Desktop / Window Behavior / Window Actions / turn off the alt-combos.Suse with KDE: Gecko / Favorites / Configure Desktop / Desktop / Window Behavior / Window Actions / "Inner Window, Titlebar & Frame", and pick "Meta" instead of "Alt".Fedora 8 Gnome: System / Preferences / Look and Feel / Windows / Movement Key, and pick "Super" instead of "Alt.Suse with Gnome: Computer / Control Center / Look and Feel / Windows / Movement Key, and pick "Super" instead of "Alt".Kubuntu: K / System Settings / Look and Feel / Windows / Movement Key, and pick "Super" instead of "Alt".Ubuntu: System / Windows / Movement Key, and pick "Super" instead of "Alt".The Clone tool uses the ALT key in a way that conflicts with.

In CS2, you can fix this with Edit / Preferences / General, and change UI Font Size from Small to Medium.